Contact Me
Over the years many people have helped with material for books, for which I am very grateful. If you have any material, especially photos relating to the post-war years, here is your opportunity to help me .....
Help me:
Over the years many people have helped with material for books. If you have appreciated this site and have any material, especially photos relating to post-war wars, here is your opportunity to help me and get your name in print.
Material can be submitted by post to:
Vic Flintham, 7 Gainsborough Drive, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 6DS
or by email to: material@vicflintham.co.uk
Please note that files must not total more than 10mb. I frequently use the Wetransfer service for large file movements across the web.
Postal Address:
7 Gainsborough Drive, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 6DS
+44(0) 7785 255 690