What We Do
I have written numerous articles, reports and books on personnel management. Listed below are my books. Articles on aviation are on a separate page.
Some now out of print copies of my books can usually be bought second-hand through www.bookfinder.com at between U$20 and U$100.
My books of recent years
My latest book is the first of a two-volume work on the development of RAF close air support as applied in the Mediterranean theatre during the Second World War. It is published by Hikoki at £29.95.
“The book is a useful tool for those interested in this sphere of warfare, and helps in tracing the squadrons and some of the background on their movements and their assisting the ground forces.” Amazon reviewer.
“…an incredibly researched and detailed analysis of the development of close air support, and definitely an excellent reference book for aficionados and for reference” Air Pilot
“Excellent title from Hikoki. The quality of text and images are superb. Looking forward to book 2.” Amazon reviewer
“This is another superb example of Vic Flintham’s meticulous research and selection of unique photos and we look forward to the rest of the story from 1943 to 1945.” Air-Britain Aviation World
“”….has been produced to Hikoki’s customary high standard and it contains a formidable amount of material including a dozen very useful diagrams illustrating the ways in which information flowed within the communications networks that were introduced and progressively refined as the CAS concept evolved.. This is a lot of book with a lot of pictures and a lot of information and it is good value for money.” RAF Historical Society Journal 75
“Text is liberally interspersed with charts, maps, tables, colour profiles and a plethora of photographs, all optimally reproduced. The fact that some of the photographs chosen are rare contemporary colour images is to be applauded. The author and publishers alike are to be congratulated for producing such an appealing and worthwhile work on this facet of aviation history.” Amazon reviewer
Previous books:
'TRUCULENT TRIBES TURBULENT SKIES' The RAF in the near and middle East 1919-1939
Available for purchase from Air-Britain.
It costs £52.50 to non members of Air-Britain.
or just £34.95 to members.
Membership of Air-Britain is just £23.00 and gives you access to a quaterly magazine and extensive aviation information. The other members around the word share their experience and information.
“Respected aviation historian Vic Flintham has been studying this subject for over 50 years. He has amassed and amazing collection of facts and several hundred photographs, many being published here for the first time. While the illustrations will appeal to enthusiasts the text is particularly illuminating. A good bibliography and index complete a remarkable book, worthy of considerable study to help understand the UK’s work in this area. Essential reading for all those interested in the history of the RAF.” Aeroplane (Book of the Month - five stars)
“....has the detail typical of an Air-Britain title, but gains in strength from the unique nature of the underlying picture archive.” Air Pilot
“This book is big in many ways – large in size, weight and price – but it’s no coffee table tome to flick through. Inside you will find both historical and geographical facts intertwined with the burgeoning role of the newly formed RAF in trying to tame the truculent tribes of the title. The more than 560 photographs and maps illustrating the book give an insight into men and the region, and the fragile but rapidly developing aircraft between the two world wars.” Pilot
“Vic Flintham sets out to cover 20 years in the area from the Balkans to Iran and including the Horn of Africa and he does it well. His narrative is very detailed but very readable and his assessment of the outcome of operations is measured, unsensational and credible.” Sir Roger Austin, Aerospace
“This is a very handsome book, very well produced on high-quality paper, which provides a perfect medium for the superb photographs – more than 550 of them. A great deal of thought has gone into this book and into its layout. The result is a fascinating account of a unique part of the RAF’s history.” RAF Historical Society Journal 66
Air Wars and Aircraft: A Detailed Record of Air Combat, 1945 to the Present
Arms and Armour Press, London, 1989.
What the reviewers said:
"In the 10 years I have been writing this column I have seen hundreds of books. If I had to choose the one book that represented a publishing milestone, a stupendous effort, and a major source all in one volume, it would be this one." Peter Mersky, Naval Aviation News
"This is an immensely valuable single-source reference providing facts and figures on subjects ranging from the Greek Civil War to the Gulf War, and from Northern Ireland to Mozambique.****" Aircraft Illustrated
"At first glance the title....might appear to be another skimming the surface coffee table work - not so, go seek it out and discover the depth of this monumental reference tool." Flypast
"Vic Flintham has produced something that covers just about every small war that has taken place since World War 2, joined them all together and provided his readers with the most amazing set of facts and figures that can hardly be beaten for its comprehensiveness and skill in research." Aviation News
"Among the book's manifold virtues for the enthusiast - and I suspect that all the information in it must have been compiled by someone with the dogged devotion to the research task that only a true enthusiast could bring and another could appreciate - is that as a part of the coverage of each conflict there is a table of aircraft units involved, as well as notes on individual airframes and their colours." Scale Aircraft Modelling.
Aircraft in British Military Service: British Service Aircraft Since 1946
Airlife, Shrewsbury, 1999.
What the reviewers said:
"This is a practical book which offers a minimum of pointless comment and a maximum of detail. Highly recommended as a quick reference for all military enthusiasts." Air-Britain Digest
"Though not a prolific author, Vic Flintham is an experienced writer and researcher whose long association with military aviation is clearly demonstrated in a fact-filled work of reference. .....provides the reader with unprecedented depth and breadth of information." Air Forces Monthly
"A well illustrated encyclopaedic tome, this product justly deserves inclusion in the serious enthusiast's book collection!" Flypast
"The author.... set out to provide an extensive aide-memoire to a very large subject. This he has done extremely well. If you want a reference between two covers to every post-war British military aircraft from the Eurofighter to the Procter Kittiwake then this is the book for you." Aerospace International
"This is one of those books that you pick up to check on a type and get side-tracked and find some equally fascinating information, despite being advised that it is a fine work of reference, rather than a reading book." Air Pictorial
"This makes for a completely fresh way of looking at the subject (and) is a comprehensive and informative source." Air Mail
"An excellent and comprehensive listing of all aircraft operated by UK forces since 1946. It is certainly a great source of information ... and if you need a single-point reference source for this period then you will not go wrong with this one." Scale Aviation Modeller International
Combat Codes: a Full Explanation and Listing of British, Commonwealth and Allied Air Force Unit Codes since 1938
With Andrew Thomas Airlife, Shrewsbury, 2003
What the reviewers said:
“….the two authors….have completed a remarkable research project which is probably about as accurate as you can get. …the ace factor is the almost unmatched collection of pictures.” Aviation News
“At last we have a comprehensive and near-definitive work on the squadron and unit markings carried by the RAF and later Allied aircraft during the Second World War. Destined to become the standard work on the subject, it is a must for the bookshelves of both serious researchers and aircraft modellers.” Air-Britain
“This is one of those essential reference tools which form the skeleton on which historical research is based.” Aeroplane
"Squadron Codes 1937-1956....inspired others to study this huge subject. The two authors were among those encouraged and this new work takes on the mantle and will become an instant classic.” FlyPast
“...essential for any aviation researcher and invaluable for anyone interested in wartime and post-war allied aircraft.” Catalina News
“A book for the serious student and researcher. ..will find itself going to libraries around the world. As a collation of innumerable facts and detail it is simply beyond belief. The authors are to be complemented upon an amazing piece of research work. Recommended unreservedly. Congratulations gentlemen” Spitfire
“The research is meticulous and the content is as comprehensive and authoritative as can be expected. This is as good as it gets for the time being and very good it is too. If you are a researcher you just have to have a copy.” RAF Historical Society
High Stakes: Britains Air Arms in Action 1945 to 1990
Pen & Sword, Barnsley, 2009.
What the reviewers said:
“Exceptionally detailed, the narrative is backed by copious illustrations, maps and tables. An essential addition to any RAF or conflict-based bookshelf.” FlyPast
“Cracking illustrations throughout and good lists of RAF orders of battle and deployments. There is lots of good detail and lists here, drilling down to British nuclear weapons and their yields. I learned a lot that I did not know before...a major work of reference.” RAF Historical Society
“This impressive hardback, packed with more than 400 pages of detail makes an invaluable addition to an aviation enthusiast’s bookshelf.” Royal Air Force News
“This is one of those books that no self-respecting aviation enthusiast should be without. An unprecedented single-source reference on a period of supposed peace that was anything but, and unreservedly recommended for EVERY military aviation enthusiast who information-wise would be much the poorer without it.” Military Aircraft Monthly
“This book is not a bedside read but an excellent work of reference. Buy it for uyour library.” Intercom
“The author is congratulated on producing such a comprehensive account of all the conflicts that have occurred ove a 45 year period. In fact it was quite a shock in reminding this reviewer how many conflicts/incidents there have been. The author has produced an excellent reference book which is thoroughly recommended.” Fleet Air Arm Officers’ Association
“This is one to keep handy on the bookshelf as it will be a continual work of reference for the period.” Air-Britain
“The author has obviously carried out considerable research on this subject. He has amassed a very useful collection of maps and illustrations, the latter being a welcome change from hackneyed well-used examples in other books. This is an excellent coverage of its subject and well worth the price. It should be on every historian’s bookshelf.” Aeroplane (Book of the Month – five stars)
and a review from Aeroplane:
Available from Air-Britain
No longer in print
Available from Pen & Sword
Available from Pen & Sword